Beginner Core Concepts Demo Meta Welcome to Malifaux

Episode 47: You Might Be a Malifaux Player If…

Jeff and Colgan talk about what they think draws people to Malifaux as a game.

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Beginner Crew Hiring Model Collecting Model Roles Strategies and Schemes Welcome to Malifaux

Episode 2: Welcome to Malifaux, Part 2. Moving to 50 Stones

Our second episode is a bit all over the place, but the goal is to take a cursory look at what a new player needs to begin 50 Soulstone games. We touch on the basic requirements for making a crew, the way keywords work, and a little bit about model roles.

This episode is mostly intended for newer players. Anyone who’s been around Malifaux for a while is going to find most of what’s in it old hat, but maybe still interesting.

